illion Open Data Solutions Releases

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BankFeeds Customer Initialisation Helper Updates

New Features

We are preparing to release multiple new features for BankFeeds, mostly relating to the Customer Initialisation Helper tool. We are aiming to release these by Tuesday, July 11.

As this work represents a fairly large internal re-work, we have released it into the BankFeeds testing environment now, and invite all users of this tool to verify that your existing integrations work as expected. Documentation for the new features is also now available in the documentation.

Customer Initialisation Helper

  • You may now request a customer to provide Centrelink data through the CIH process, by providing either Centrelink or myGov login details. These credentials are not stored, and the data will not be able to be refreshed later.
  • You may now specify a redirect url when creating the CIH link, to override the one set statically against your account. This is where the user will be redirected to once the process is complete.
  • BugFix: a user can have two attempts to provide the correct credentials.

User Handling

A customer in BankFeeds represents a single set of credentials to log in to a single bank with. We are now introducing an option to link multiple customers together, through a User Reference. This does not change the structure of the API, or make major modifications to the request/response formats - each Customer will retains it’s id and encryption key, and data for each customer must still be requested individually. This is a simple method for you to be able to tell us that a set of Customers all belong to the same individual. To use this feature, it must be enabled on your account. Please get in touch if you think you could make use of it. This is available both for the CIH and for API integrations.