illion Open Data Solutions Releases

Release Notes for illion Open Data Solutions products.

Infrastructure Upgrades

As a part of our ongoing commitment to security, we have recently made some changes to the infrastructure in our test environments. The major changes have included an upgrade to the load balancing infrastructure, and improvements to the WAF (Web Application Firewall) systems in place.

The upgrades were managed in the test environment with no downtime, and no impact on customer usage. However, there does exist the possibility that legitimate traffic from some customers could be caught as a ‘false positive’ by the new WAF rules.

We encourage all clients to test their API integrations in the test environment over the coming two weeks, so that any issues can be addressed before we make production changes. We will be monitoring the impact of the changes, and plan to implement them in production in mid June, barring any major issues in test.

Other Recent Changes

  • We have recently had to make a change to the way account numbers are masked in certain situations, so that it is consistent through all api responses and statement formats. The inconsistencies had begun to cause some issues, and required an urgent response. We apologies for any impact this may have had.
  • BrokerFlow - we have recently introduced a new service to make it easier for brokers to share statements and data gathered through our service, with lenders. If you are a lender who collects our statements from other brokers/lenders, please get in touch.
  • Statement OCR - we are continuing to improve and expand on our recently released Statement OCR product. We have expanded the number of institutions supported to cover the top 10 Australian banks. Please get in touch if you would like a demo.